Crazy fuck from Germany

Ron Mortuary Grinder

New Metal Member
Dec 31, 2020
Hey there, I'm a guy in his forties. All of this social media shit is not for me, so I thought it's probably a good time to get back on an old school forum. To be honest I was quite surprised when I found out such thing still exists...

I'm enjoying different styles of music, starting from stuff like AC/DC, Motörhead, Rose Tattoo, Scorpions, Iron Maiden, Rage, Blind Guardian, Running Wild. Also a huge thrash fan esp. the teutonic stuff like Kreator and Sodom. When it comes to Death metal I'm a fan of the old school/primitive stuff like Death (first two albums), Autopsy, Pungent Stench (everything up to and including the first album), Grave, Dismember but also Mortician. Last but not least I'm also big into raw grind/noisecore. Big fan of Ulcerrhoea, Autophagia or Nihilist commando. You get the idea. So that means if your favorite grind bands are Nasum, Pig destroyer or Barney Napalm Death then we probably won't get along...