Creating the changing radio station dials effect


Apr 20, 2006
I'm trying to figure out a way to create the effect of changing radio stations like on old radios and apply that to a mixdown as an intro effect.
So far I'm thinking of some signal generators/pink noise and some random clips thrown in there but has anyone tried this already and has any suggestions on how best to approach it?
That's how I'd approach it too. It'll take some individual tweaking, so there can't really be generalizations.

Otherwise you could just record yourself switching through channels on a real radio :D
Thanks man!
I want the song to be one of the "stations" and "zero in" on it. I wonder if one of those car mp3 gadjets that use an FM band to link up to the car stereo would do the trick.. That + a transistor radio.
hmm... It`s starting to gel...
Yea, just record a real radio and end the recording with a long stretch of static. Then you can insert the song there with fades and other noises ...

You could always just mic the speaker of a real radio. This is not about high fidelity :D
^^ I did that a while ago to make a demo of my styles of music (the idea was that you would hear somebody flicking around from station to station and all the music would be mine). All i did was plug in the radio to the pc, record me dialing through a whole bunch of stations and just edit in the music you want to hear.
Fo sho. Done this many times actually for a lot of bands lol. Just get an older radio where you turn the dial to get a station and just record the speaker while you are going back and forth. Edit it how you want it. Works every time :)

haha, check out Illdisposed - 1-800 Vindication, classic example of this and an amazing piece of work of Tue Madsen IMO
Steal it from Voivod. They do it like 3 times :)

Just pitch shift it to create the grand theft audio.
Yea, just record a real radio and end the recording with a long stretch of static. Then you can insert the song there with fades and other noises ...

You could always just mic the speaker of a real radio. This is not about high fidelity :D

That should work just fine methinks. Hey Bart, thank you for continuing Quo Vadis, I'm mighty eager to hear some new stuff, especially with Patrice.
Lol same thing happened with me last semester. I thought I could make it with click sounds, white noise, and random clips/the song. I started making it, then I thought how much easier it would be to just put a mic up to a real radio. So, I did that instead, and it worked out great.
I think the beginning of this song is the idea that you are kinda looking for

(Don't pay attention to the people in the video. hahaha)

I would just do the whole pink noise and random clips thing and then once you get that together bandpass it all and call it good:)
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I think the beginning of this song is the idea that you are kinda looking for
(Don't pay attention to the people in the video. hahaha)

I would just do the whole pink noise and random clips thing and then once you get that together bandpass it all and call it good:)

I actually mixed that.....

that one is actually a stock sample that I found, literally just dumped it at the start of the song.

btw....the album version of that song absolutely SLAYS that recording (I didn't track that, only mixed and there was some pretty funky stuff going on).