Creation Audio Labs - Redeemer

This is really interesting. I own and use the MW-1 for guitar DI's and love it, this unit looks promising.
Looks like a possible godsend for tracking high gain guitars or bass. Might have to try one out.

I really like how he has it set up with an on/off toggle in the video. That way you aren't tied to the Redeemer's tonal effects if you want to keep things traditional.
They also have two in-line solutions, one is a belt-pack style with on/off switch and battery only ($129); the other is a small DI box type of setup that takes a battery or 9v wall wart ($99). I spoke to someone at CAL on the phone about these options, he stated they made these specifically for people like us that record, where it's impractical to install/uninstall the Redeemer for every client's instrument for every project. He also said the Redeemer will work with active pickup setups, just with a more subtle effect, and the best performance with any of the options is to have it as close to the instrument as possible.
So it kinda replaces the need of a DI box? or will it be redeemer -> DI box?
Hmm, cable capacitance usually rolls off the highs and adds a resonant bump in the 2k to 6k range, which will disappear with this buffer. I'm thinking that will change the distortion tone from smoother to hairier/fizzier.

I heard Hendrix wanted the curliest longest cheapest guitar cable he could find to get max capacitance and that cocked-wah smooth lead tone, so yeah I can see this buffer not being suitable for everyone.

But if it's your thing, the DI function, frequency range, and extreme low noise is pretty amazing. I wouldn't mind installing this in my bass since my previous preamp (which I took out) hissed too much.
I have one installed a couple of years ago in my jackson sl2h. You can't toggle it on/off though. And indeed M wagener has the box version of it. That's more practical in the studio.
yeah, The MW-1 has the redeemer in it, plus it has a calibration knob to set the impedance.

expensive, but an all round tool in my eyes.

The redeemer circuit does not do that much under distortion the time i heard it, its as subtle as changing from local music shop cables to Evidence. It does something, but dont expect night and day.

If you plan on using it in the studio only, aim for a MW-1.