
Can't say I'm a fan of Creed, or even stand them for that matter. but that's just me and my opinion isn't based upon how popular they are in the mainstream, i could care less if they were on mtv or not. I just can't find anything special about their music, it's all pretty mundane to me and i just get irritated by the lead singer's voice.
The saYer said:
Creed Are Morons As Well As The Stupid People That Defend Them On This Site
Yeah? I'm sorry but that was just pathetic and a little hilarious. You claim to be somehow more intelligent than these people you're referring to? I think you're just falling lower hehe. But you know... whatever floats your boat.

in answer to carries original question i don't think it matters whether or not they are a ripo off if she likes the band then that is her choice and she should be respected to have her own opinions and yes i do like Creed i have got the Human Clay and Weathered albums and have enjoyed them ,i also like Pearl Jam which was quotted as one of the bands they have ripped off;but who cares i found them quite good .So go on Carrie listen to them as much as you want if you like them !!