
dreaming neon darkspot

natures' retard
May 13, 2002
in times of grace
FOR SATAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN11111111111!111111111111 BLEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGGGGG1!!!!111111!!!!!!!!!!111111 I mean, what's more gr1m than a song about standing on a cliff that you're going to jump off of? That is teh uber-kvlt111 D00d, you don't get any m0r3 n3cr0 than that, n00b!
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I've only been taking German 1 for about a week, so bear with me if I don't get all of the words you used.... But, yeah, my little title-y thing means "bad girl" in German... and, yes, I know it's lame and cheesy and whatnot, but, hey, I wanted to sh0w 0ff my m4d Germ4m sk1llz, y0...

Sorry, I'm getting way too into the Internet slang...
Oh, und was ist mit dem Deutsch unter deiner Namen?
oh, and what is with the german under your name?

german is soo close to english haha.
MethodicalWasteManagement said:
Das is nicht gut, das is SHIST!!!! My cat just puked everywhere, very colourful though.

"das is Sheisse" would be the correct expletive. Sorry, I'm on my 4th year of german. And Neal, even easier to translate/guess is Swedish. Still working on that one though. And to get really annoying/anal retentive, it should be "schlectes mädchen".