Cries Hannah – Beloved… I Caught You When You Fell

genocide roach

Aug 18, 2002
Cries Hannah – Beloved… I Caught You When You Fell
Crash Music – CMU 61182 – 28 Nov 2006
By Ryan Starr


Yet another band that sat in the “to do” list for a while. This time we have Cries Hannah, a now defunct Christian screamo/metalcore band. Apparently, they didn’t ask God for advice and they made some mistakes and broke up. That didn’t stop them from putting out a half way decent album though.

I don’t like the style, but it’s a solid release. It’s catchy, easy on the ears, and they show a bit of talent too. There are some awkward spots in the lead work though. It sounded like the fingers weren’t moving like they were intended to. And that is rather weird, considering the rest of the album is polished to a parade gloss. I can’t imagine they’d let sloppy playing go uncorrected. But none the less, there it is.

One positive aspect is the disciplined use of breakdowns. There are only a couple in the entire CD, which is a breathe of fresh air. Nearly every core release I have reviewed seriously abuses breakdowns. I’m glad to see a band put some effort into variety.

You may not like their sound, or their religion, but you can’t deny it when a band does their thing and does it well.

Official Cries Hannah MyspaceOfficial Crash Website