Crimson II tabs.. lets go to town!!


Oct 24, 2001
Atlanta, GA
Hey... I think the board should try to tab crimson II... its a ton of work for one person.. but it everyone helps then it shouldnt be too bad... It seems like it would be a great song for someone to learn... it has parts that are pretty technical and hard.. and also some easier stuff.

To get started I suppose we need to know the tuning that it is in.. and thats about it!
Im working on a part of it... Im not real good with the ear though.. hopefully it will be enough for someone to fix it..haha
Hey you guys have a great idea here of tabbing out one of the best songs ever composed. However iam in the works of playing it and i cant pick between DGCFAD or standard tuning were did you guys get A tuning from? Listen to a shitty NU metal band like slipknot that play in A then compair them. Seems to low but if you heard it from dan (which is my guess then cool) but if you just heard this from a person then please tell me so i can continue in D tuning or standard tuning.
ok after another few fast forwards on the ol compact disc player here is what i think about the tuning. im listening to Crimson I so crimson II is prolly the same way but to lazy to change disc. One seems to be broken into different parts in tuning as well its like the clean shit sounds standard or D (not drop D) then around 15 min into it does sound like A tuning for a while then gets back on track. Yet i have learned with bands like soilwork tuning is like looks they can be deceving.
Well, I just ran C2 through a pitch shifter so I can play with it without re-tuning (I tune to C#), assuming it's in A (it's easy to redo if it's in something else). Damn, it's actually quite a different perspective on the song, listening to it 4 semi-tones higher (but at the same speed), it just feels different. And it sounds like black metal vocals :D

[edit]lol, and Dan's clean vocals sound like a woman (just got to one of those parts) :lol:
yourdeadgroom said:
Well, I just ran C2 through a pitch shifter so I can play with it without re-tuning (I tune to C#), assuming it's in A (it's easy to redo if it's in something else). Damn, it's actually quite a different perspective on the song, listening to it 4 semi-tones higher (but at the same speed), it just feels different. And it sounds like black metal vocals :D

[edit]lol, and Dan's clean vocals sound like a woman (just got to one of those parts) :lol:

haha! .. nice :p
i dunno now after hearing the in flames style riff on PT.2 (the riff reminded me of something very close to one on whoracle) Im pretty damn sure its in C tuning you get the low e chunky sound and the high strings are more melodic and rich in tone so that has to be it.
Nono, It's ´tuned B folks. Dan told me a while ago.

The deal: Crimson I = Two guitars in A, dans guitar in Nightingale Tuning

Crimson II = Schecter Celloblaster 5 string rhythm gutar tuned B for riffage, BC rich guitar for soloing.

Now: start tabbing :]
heh i got a better idea instead of spending time on tuning play what you feel sounds right hell i can play a song thats in c# in D tuning and make it sound right bc the way guitar is you can mimick notes if you know the shit so lets do this shit and fuck the tuning lets all pick a tuning and go to town however please not A heh my guitars arent gonna wanna hold that and im not stretching my holes in my tuning pegs not worth it to me .