Really nice and clean looking but somewhat a bit "unpersonal", rather too clean, I'd say.
Basically I wouldn't change anything drastic. Wether or not he should change the font would be a compromise between search engine recognition and/or design upgrades/downgrades, meaning the less text you use on your site, the less content search engines can grab because text > images. But it is nothing really dramatic though. The title tag and link structure have a higher priority here.
As for the design, I would "optimize" for the most common resolution which is around 1280x1024 currently, so on fullscreen it shouldn't scroll, at least not on the starting page. Maybe make that entry cover a tad smaller, also what is that tiny dot below the pic all about? Was that intentional? The note lines shouldn't go over the trumpet, get the trumpet layer above it so it is in the foreground.
He is a musician! I am missing some music coming out of my speakers

Maybe some autoplaying sounds that tootle in the background?
Also, maybe to get that website a little less clean but without going overboard look for some nice seemless textured backgrounds for the grey main area.
Last but not least the "Douglas Hedwig" wording is twice there on the main page, kinda too much, I would just put it like this:
Trumpeter, Conductor, Scholar
Just my 2c