critique my mix pleaseeee!

Sounds really good actually. Nicely done. The kick could pop out a bit more, add some attack to it by boosting some click on it. The little dance breakdown is pretty funny and very sporadic. The toms are a little too warm, like the kick, but this is all typical of DFHS, you gotta thin the toms out, then send them to a stereo bus and use like Rennaissance Bass to add the low-end back to all of them...that's the best method I've found so far in making the toms sound right. Cool stuff.

sounds pretty good, i honestly love the guitar tone. there a lot of timing issues id sort out, especially under the 1:00 mark. The drums sound fake as shit but they are so yea. i dont know anything about dfhs or doing drum maps or w/e so idk what to tell you to help. mostly its the toms and kick that sound super fake. anyway pretty cool tune and overall its pretty good. good luck with the drums.

yeah, the band uses a lot of "gravity blasts" which is this drum technique that is new to me where you can hit the snare on the up and down stroke of your arm, its pretty damn cool but trying to program it in and make it sound somewhat realistic is hard, can anyone give me some pointers on programing drum rolls?

i found a video of what im talking about blast
yea i can do those, they sound pretty sweet, so do they have a drummer and he cant record or what? why are u using the dhfs if tahts the case? i really have no clue about anything drum programming, but i can record real drums really well. one major thing id do is try to make teh kick sound a bit more natural and less triggered. idk tho, just a thought maybe
deathtotaliban said:
yea i can do those, they sound pretty sweet, so do they have a drummer and he cant record or what? why are u using the dhfs if tahts the case? i really have no clue about anything drum programming, but i can record real drums really well. one major thing id do is try to make teh kick sound a bit more natural and less triggered. idk tho, just a thought maybe

they have a drummer, its just that i dont have all the mics/preamps necessary to record drums well, so i took a really crappy single mic recording of him playing drums and wrote a midi file to it