Critique on mix and "master"


The Clockmaker
Jul 9, 2014
Thanks in advance for anyone willing to sit through most of or all of this, so first things first. Starting to record a new album, but I am using a much bigger tool set than I usually have - acquired some various plugins to give me some more control and options - and wanted to hear what some fresh and more experienced ears than mine thought of this.

What I was going for

  • Low-to-mid gain guitars that meshed with the bass well
  • Kick drum that had more "impact" than "presence" (i.e, not too modern/slappy/clicky)
  • Cohesion and spread, I want it to feel wide but still feel like everything interlocks in a good way.
  • Consistency in the low end across the song

What I think of it at this stage

I am happy with a lot of this, I stripped down my usual guitar chain which when looking back on it, was unnecessarily complex. My bass guitar is sadly not entirely up to par, so I know I have to make some sacrifices, I feel like I could squeeze some definition and character out of it but feel like I've hit a dead end. I used a multiband compressor on the master bus to tame the low end a bit, but feel like I may have done a bit much (maybe shouldn't of done it at all) or I could be paranoid because I am just having a hard time being objective.

Lastly, I feel the kick is hitting with the bass weirdly. It seems to have a kind of...harshness in the low end of it? Apologies as I am still unsure what is bugging me about it. I have it sent to a compressor on by bass track, so the bass ducks below the kick by about 1.0 - 1.5db on the heavy kick sections, maybe the problem lies there.

Thanks again for listening, here is the link - it's public so it should just stream. the Child.mp3