Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin dies at age 44

I amen that he is certainly not the guy I was expecting to die anytime soon. He seemed to be pretty good at what he does but man I would have never expect him to get killed anytime soon. If he was gonna get killed by somethin I would have said a tiger or perhaps a snake, but a sting ray?
It fucking sucks.

I'd never wish death on the bloke of course (seemed like a great father and a top guy to have a beer with) but he could've at least gone down in a brutal croc fight, not in a freak accident by a damn sea creature that, until now, has killed only two people on record in Australian waters (or something like that). Fuck.
'Tis a shame. He was quite entertaining and seemed like a decent fella.

The thing with his kid was very silly, though.
It's a shame, but not a surprise..most of all, I feel bad for his kids, left fatherless at such young ages.
Sucks indeed. But I have mourned already considering he's 'died' (dang rumours) like ten times the past five years. But it's still sad tho.
derek said:
'Tis a shame. He was quite entertaining and seemed like a decent fella.

The thing with his kid was very silly, though.

He was not Micheal Jackson. He knew what he was doing. He's death was a lucky shot too. It only killed him because it hit he's neck. R.I.P.
Blue_Jay said:
tiger or perhaps a snake, but a sting ray?

Yeah. It's a bit ironic if you think about it cause he's the "crocodile hunter", and he's around them a lot, so you would figure he would die by one of them. But then again he's an expert when it comes to croc's and maybe not when it comes to sting-rays.
I was literally in tears when I first heard that.

That guy was a hero to me and forever will be for what he has contributed to the world. He didn't let fear come in the way of doing something he was determined to do. He was the most passionate person I ever saw, an example on how even the most generally-considered-uninteresting of topics can be shoved into the region of highly interesting.

He was an ambassador for not just his home australia and global zoology, but humanity as well. I saw his documentaries, and I have nothing but respect for that fellow. Today is the saddest day of my life because today, the warmest heart out there was pierced by an 'animal', something he devoted his entire life to. His death is not fair. I've just lost the tiniest of faiths in the corner my heart for the presence of God today.

Terri is a very strong woman, just like her husband. Those two were the greatest pair I've ever seen, and this seperation is nothing short of cruel on fate's part. As sharp as the knife may be, all three of them will come out of this because of what they have within them, Steve Irwin.
Heroes do what must be done even if it kills them. Steve Irwin was a hero. The rest of you just watch TV and hope for heroes.
I've wanted to meet him since I saw my first episode of Crocodile Hunter.
He always had an amazing understand of animals, and didn't creep me out as much as Jeff Corwin:u-huh:

Anyway, I think it was a shame.