Crowpath - Son of Sulphur


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Crowpath – Son of Sulphur
Willowtip Records – WT-041 – November 22nd, 2005
By Jason Jordan


Much like their logo implies, listening to Crowpath is akin to getting punched in the face with brass knuckles, and then knifed immediately before the daze subsides. While Red on Chrome was a fantastic showing – Nate The Great gave it our highest honor by bestowing these Swedes a 10/10 and then crowning it album of the year – Son of Sulphur is evidence of uncontestable improvement. I apparently didn’t like the former as much as my comrade did, though I found myself lauding it continuously, and this sophomore effort does indeed best Red on Chrome.

Having not heard Old Cuts and Blunt Knives (a compendium of their 7”s), I can’t endorse the compositions written before Red on Chrome. Still, it seems as if Crowpath have made remarkable, measurable strides since last year. The flurry of chaotic instrumentation greets the listener, like always, in a tornado-meets-a-hurricane-meets-a-tsunami type way, and these twelve songs extricate the group’s collective chops in order to proudly display them alongside peculiar artwork. The technicality reigns supreme here – it’s nearly an insurmountable task to try and distinguish between individual parts and members, because there’s so much going on. For the most part, not unlike their previous incarnation, Son of Sulphur utilizes fast-pace tempos, barbaric aggression, and overt talent to fill most of the thirty-four minutes here. Ivarsson figuratively slaps another coat of paint on the picture, with his brand of raspy spit-soaked growls, while others litter the landscape with mind-boggling musicianship. Now, serious question: how do these blokes keep this stuff straight? At times the material seems utterly nebulous and too intricate to remember, much less play accurately. This isn’t devoid of slower tunes, though; see “The Lycanthrope” and the flip-flopping “End in Water” for details. The other ten or so numbers are much more aligned with Crowpath’s copyrighted sound.

This Swedish quartet has risen above the pack – you are cognizant of this – and stepped on the faces of Between the Buried and Me, Ion Dissonance, and others to reach the top. I’d give Red on Chrome a 9/10 so it follows that, since I like this more, I’d give it a higher score. In addition to a 9/10, I bless SoS with a nod, thumbs up, or any gesticulation of your choice in order to sail it past RoC. Son of Sulphur is poisonous, venomous, ultimately lethal. Honestly, I think this will have a more challenging trip to the summit of year-end lists than their debut did; the output of 2005 trumps the output of 2004 easily, which suggests there’s more competition to scrimmage with. But, no matter what though, Crowpath as a whole are a brutal, punishing example of technical ecstasy.

9/10 (+ nod, thumbs up, or _____)

Official Crowpath Website
Official Willowtip Records Website