

Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Who hear likes 'em? I know BSW said he digs 'em. unhinged said Folklore ain't his thing. Anybody else?

I've always had a soft spot for 'em. Tuatha Na Gael, to me, is one of the finest examples of folk black metal.

The rest is kinda cheesy folk rock and roll, but still enjoyable at times. I've been listening to their latest, Pagan, quite a bit. One song, The Gael, ha the exact same melody as the famous violin piece from The Last of the Mohicans.

And I love Cruachan's rendition of Spancill Hill with Shane MacGowan on vocals. Geasa's version is better, but I just wish Geasa's version was the six minute version (like Cruachan's) and not the 2 1/2 minute version.

Anyone? Carry on.
I have Tuatha Na Gael and Folklore.

Tuatha Na Gael is brilliant, I'd agree with you about it being one of the best folk black metal albums. Folklore I really like actually. Yes it's a bit cheesy, but I think it's a really fun listnen.

I didn't even know they had a new album. Which of the previous is it most like?
I have The Middle Kingdom, but I've never really got into it. I was listening to it just the other day and I think I stopped it at track #3. Are there any specific songs on Folklore that I should skip to?
More helpfully however, on Folklore I really like Ride On, Bloody Sunday and The Rocky Road to Dublin. All the tracks are good though. I'm listening to it now actually :cool:
ya, Jay, if you can't get through Middle Kingdom, don't bother with Pagan or Folklore. you shoud dig Tuatha Na Gael. 90% of the vocals are black metal vocals, and the songs are a lot faster. Sounds like two different bands, really.
I think Scald should record their own cover of Spancill Hill. That would kick all kinds of ass. eh Paul? haha
i bought "the middle kingdom" on a whim since i enjoy irish folk music quite a bit, but it turned out to be a real disapointment, i never got past the fourth track i think. it lands musically somewhere between true folk music (which i really like) and folk metal (which i also like a lot) thus becoming crap. the description given "tuatha na gael" sounds more up my alley, perhaps i'll check it out in a year or so when i've listened to all my new records that's lying about :loco: