CRUSH!! Metal word-of-the-year…

flu boy

Waffle Hut
Oct 20, 2003
Waffle Hut
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Anybody notice that many of the releases coming out this year are deemed “CRUSHING” (or some other from of crush) by the metal press… Maybe it’s the metal word-of-the-year.

Here’s just a few from one metal media news source:

DARK FUNERAL's New Songs 'Crushing Everything' In Their Path...

Label Rep: New OPETH Album Is 'Crushing'...

NILE Frontman On New Album: 'Be Prepared To Be Crushed'...
If the new Opeth album crushes, I will be pissed off and demand a refund or a replacement disk.

In other news, metal reporters use the word "crushing" because they are illiterate assclowns.
I think that 2000 is a bad decade overall for metal cause it's starting to get redundant and a lot of bands are doing goods albums but most of the time, there's nothing really new and i got tired of the steps back.
clearly the metal word of the year and every year is crunch.

Oinkness said:
If the new Opeth album crushes, I will be pissed off and demand a refund or a replacement disk.

In other news, metal reporters use the word "crushing" because they are illiterate assclowns.


another exercise in dumbassitude. :err:
bangadrian said:
my 9th grade english teacher was irish and had a humongous ass

EDIT: i did, however, have a crush on my 7th grade english teacher

haha for some reason that made me laugh out loud - probably cuz this morning at work i saw an irish woman with a GINORMOUS ass :tickled: