Cruz Del Sur Festival


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
June the 16th, 2007
Chicago, Double Door

Slough feg (headlining)
November's doom
Bible of the devil
Crescent shield


There better be another RC gathering at this fest. :kickass: :headbang:
I don't know but I suspect he will. He sent me a PM about this a week ago but told me not to announce until Jan 19th (but I was away at HC so I only just posted this now!!).

You'll notice that neither Pharoah or Hammers of Misfortune are on the bill. Hopefully he can give us an update on that when he comes to the forum, but still, that would have been too good to be true.

I think Slough Feg won over a bunch of new fans after their blistering performance at Heathen Crusade.

And as far as I'm concerned, both Heathen Crusade and Cruz Del Sur promoters are free to use this RC forum as their own.

Not a single weak band on the fucking list!
All things in life are a matter of perspective.

Slough Feg (headlining) - hands down the worst band I've ever seen live. How a band that draws 12 people in NY is headlining anything, is beyond me.
November's Doom - great band, but I'm seeing them in Chicago two months previous
Bible of the Devil - from the clips I heard, they sound like many of the other bands on CDS
Crescent Shield - solid
Widow - who?
Valkyrie - who?

That said, if this becomes a big enough RC gathering and the airfare is cheap, I may go.

Jay thanks for putting this online!
There's going to be an official statement/announcement this week, we still have some minor detail to sort out.

The idea of this festival ... Is to have a great time listening to good metal music. Sort of what happens in German festivals like the "Keep It True" or the "Swordbrothers festival". If you ever been there, you know that the atmosphere of these events is something special, HM fans are there to enjoy themselves, drink beer and listen to live metal music, without paying too much attention if the guitarist played the right note or not (which our bands do, btw!).

"Alehorn of Power" it's a young festival that somehow has the same spirit, so a collaboration between us and them hopefully cannot bring but positive vibrations.

Concerning your question, and I think it's for general interest, Pharaoh will not be there because they will be in the middle of the recordings of the new album.
Hammers of Misfortune were invited, but for personal reasons they cannot be there.
They're going to play at SXSW in March, as well as having a big record release party on february 22nd, at The Great American Music Hall, in San Francisco.

We really would have liked to gather together all our US/Canadian bands but it wasn't possible.
We would have liked to have WHILE HEAVEN WEPT on the bill, as well as ANTIQUUS, but it could not happen - too many (good) bands for one night.

I'll post the official statement as soon as possible!
I'll be there. Novembers Doom and Slough Feg can draw me to anything.

Personally I loved Slough Feg live at HC2. They put on a hell of a god damn show, IMO.
If I'm in the country I WILL be here with Long John. We fucking love Bible of the Devil, Slough Feg, and Valkyrie.

I need to check out Crescent sheild!

November's Doom isn't very good :erk::saint:
I'm probably going to do an internship in Belgium through my dads work, then studying abroad in London the following school year.