Cubase 4 Mixer settings reset??


Dec 15, 2007
I am just wondering if anyone knows if there is an option to reset all the mixer channels/tracks to 0 and panning to center in Cubase 4?? I have an album worth of tracks to bounce down for mixing in Logic and just wondering if there is a quicker way to zero all the settings before bouncing rather than changing every channel individually... I couldn't find the Manual on the cubase site and I'm away from the studio to check within the program at the moment... Any help would rock....

- Marcus
I have an album worth of tracks to bounce down for mixing in Logic and just wondering if there is a quicker way to zero all the settings

there's a WAY faster way of doing that....without bouncing.

hit "2" to get the selector (range) tool.....
select everthing from the very start to the very end of the tracks....
then rightclick-->audio--> "bounce selection as files" (or similar).

now all the Wavs will just be in your project's audio-folder (sort by date).

much faster than bouncing