Cubase 5 Click volume?


Micah Amstutz
Jan 1, 2009
NE Ohio
Just upgraded to Cubase 5. Can someone tell me where I can find the volume control for the click track? it used to be next to the main L R Output...
It's a complete mess. It's supposed to be in the Control Room thingy, but what I've tried, it doesn't really work. I guess you are supposed to send the click signal to a new master channel, and then use it to adjust the volume with a second "master channel" fader. But it doesn't do anything to the click volume, at least for me :S All I want is the ability to control the click separately from the actual audio mix in the master channel. Currently it's pretty much useless when you have several instruments playing. I guess Steinberg thinks you only listen to the click track when recording, and not other instruments... I hope to be proven wrong.

Here's one guide, I should try it :P

But I guess it only has 6 dB more volume available. It might not be enough in a very hot mix. But I guess you could adjust the master channel volume.
It's pretty straight forward, open up Control Room Mixer, you should have by default 2 Volume Faders, 1 for the Monitors another one for Headphones, right on the left of each fader there's a little black box, that's the click volume and panner :)