Cubase 5 (Mac) Install Disc/Disc Image


Jan 10, 2005
Ok so, bought the C6 upgrade from 4, I don't want to use 6 because it is lacking transparent events which is essential for slip editing. My C6 license allows me to use C5 as well, but you cannot get a C5 install any more from Steinberg, all they will give you is C6. So, looking to see if anyone here might have a C5 install disc, or possibly a disc image (ISO), that they can help me out with so I can use C5. I am on Mac by the way, pretty sure the disc has both on it but I'm not 100%.

THIS IS NOT ILLEGAL. I am NOT trying to get someone to share pirated software or anything like that. I am legally allowed to run C5 with my C6 license, I just need to install C5 to do so. Hoping someone can help me out with this...
Well...I dont have it anymore, but I had the C5 demo installed, and just by copying the app itself to the application folder on my mbp made it work. It is something around 800mb IIRC.
Yeah I borrowed my friend's Studio 5 disc but I want the full version, I bought the full C6. The demo is only 800mb? Seems kind of small. I know with Cubase 6 my license unlocked the demo that I had installed, and that is what they say to do on the Steinberg forums. 800mb just seems wrong, maybe I can find a C5 demo somewhere...

Jangoux: Do you mean you could possibly upload the demo .dmg you have, or am I misunderstanding?
It is not the DMG , it is the application itself. I had the demo installed on my hackintosh and needed it on my MBP, but I didn't have the install. I just copied and it worked. If Jeff can't find his C5 disc, I can upload it somewhere so you can try.

Btw, Jeff, if you ever find the disc, let me know. I am interested in a proper C5 install too.