Cubase 6.5 Issue


Jun 15, 2010
During playback, and recording, I get short and loud bursts of white noise. This has never happened before. I've not changed any settings or anything. These white noise bursts are much louder than anything playing so they make working on a project quite frustrating and scary. Anyone else had this problem and/or know how to fix it?
Are you sure it is because of cubase? many plugins tend to do this in demo mode...
It literally happens randomly.
One day I'll open Cubase to work on a project and this will happen.
Another day it will work no problem.
Which interface are you using? Try to pinpoint which point in the audio chain is causing the white noise. Is it only coming from the outputs? Is it coming from specific outputs? Is the noise present on the input channels? Can you record the noise?
Nope the noise cannot be recorded. In fact when it happens during recording, it doesn't come up during playback.
I am using Line 6 UX2.
Weird since yesterday during tracking this problem didn't persist, instead all the sound would cut out for about 5-10 seconds then return no problem.