Cubase Autoscroll question


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Hey guys,

How does one make Cubase's Autoscroll feature behave like that in ProTools? In Cubase, since I usually run 'Return to start position on stop' checked, whenever I hit the space bar, my screen immediately jumps back to the starting point. In PT, even if the playback is stopped the screen stays where it is, rather than following the playback cursor all the way to the start of the play position.
"F" turns Auto-Scroll on and off. I have a key command, Shift+R, which toggles Return To Start Position On Stop on and off as well.
Hey guys,

How does one make Cubase's Autoscroll feature behave like that in ProTools? In Cubase, since I usually run 'Return to start position on stop' checked, whenever I hit the space bar, my screen immediately jumps back to the starting point. In PT, even if the playback is stopped the screen stays where it is, rather than following the playback cursor all the way to the start of the play position.

Work that way in PT because you have the "link edit and playback cursor" un checked. So try to lock for something like that in cubase.;)