Cubase to Protools - help

Ravenous Enemy

hell alive
Mar 24, 2003
City of Steel
I'm currently using Cubase SX to record with, i have all the tracks ready (bar the vocals) and i want to take them over to a guy to do some mixing and mastering. he uses Protools. Oh dear - i've heard Cubase and PT don't mix. he mentioned consolidation, and i know about bouncing but i've only heard of 'stems' (don't know what it means)..: could someone clear up what i have to do get Cubase stuff working in Protools? I've also done quite a lot of Automation in Cubase - will that be lost (i'm guessing the guy will want to control these things)?

Also i'm using both Reason and Groove Agent for drums and additional effects. will these work with protools? if not, what should i do?

one other thing, what exactly are send effects? i.e. how do they differ from Inserts? should i be using Andy's C4 as a send or an insert?

cheers in advance.
First you need to print all your MIDI stuff from Reason as audio tracks. Then you need to insert silences at the start of each one of your audio tracks, and then select every audio region... right click and select 'Bounce audio' or whatever it's called from one of the submenus there.

After that is done you should have all your audio files in the session starting from the same point. Now go to File > Save As New Project and save your session elsewhere. Now in that new session's audio folder you will have all the necessary audio files to provide this PT operator.

It's a bit of a long way round.. but sadly Cubase has no 'real' consolidation function.
Out of curiosity, will I lose quality if I just record 8 tracks at a time via ADAT lightpipe from my Cubase laptop into my PTLE PC? Will they align correctly?

I've been exporting tracks individually back and forth, which is a real pain in the ass.