Cubase input output routing


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2011
hey guys, i've been messing with Cubase on a friends computer because i am a little interested in it, anyway, i have a Presonus Firestudio Tube, and i installed the drivers and stuff fine, it recognizes the interface and the input is fine, like the meters are responding, but is there a way to make the output of Cubase my headphone jack, not the interface? i know there are a bunch of people here who use/used cubase, any thoughts?
So i did some research, although i could be totally off, it looks like Cubase can't have 2 audio devices running at once? like, my Firestudio, and the built in output in my computer. is that correct?
AFAIK, it's the same with all DAWs.
Anssi, i'll be honest dude i trust just about everything you say. But in Logic, i could i always choose my input and output devices. So i chose my Firestudio for the in (only because i didnt have the right adapter for the headphone jack), and my built in output for the out. I don't know if that is 2 separate "devices" but whatever anyway.
why not plug the headphone in the interface ?
See that's what I'm doing now, but the problem was that the headphone jack is a 1/4 inch, while my headphones are 1/8 inch. So I needed an adapter, which I didn't have.
> < Is that just the problem ! the adapter is very very very easily to find and very very very cheap. Just get it to solve this easy problem.