Routing in Cubase 4


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
So I'm playing around with Cubase 4 LE, seeing how far they've come since version 3 (the one I use). I still can't seem to route audio tracks into each other, or FX tracks into each other either.

I heard tell that they expanded the routing capabilities within Cubase, but I can't see anything different to prior versions. Is there any way of doing more flexible routing within Cubase 4 ala ProTools?

The ability to shift inserts around is great, but it doesn't seem to be enough of a departure from the limitations of the old versions to invest in.
Apart from the huge amount of hardware processing power available, the super flexible routing is the only thing that I would like to get from Protools to Cubase. The routing in Cubase works more like an analog console in my opinion

edit: from the Cubase 4 FAQ from Steinberg site:

6. Is Side Chaining finally available? Could the Group Channel routing limitations be conquered?
Side Chaining and free Group Channel routing has been introduced with the Cubase 4.1 update.
Well I've tried the latest updates and it's still very limited. It simply allows new groups to be chained into old groups, which really should've been a feature of the software all along. This is really unfortunate, especially as I'm planning on working with outboard gear and need to start printing tracks.