Cubase LE to Cubase 4?


Oct 6, 2007
Columbus GA
Will upgrading from cubase LE to Cubase 4 or studio 4, increase the quality of my recordings?

I have LE and am happy with it, all i do is record guitar cab with it. But is there anything to Cubase 4 or studio 4 that LE is lacking (recording quality wise?)

Will upgrading from cubase LE to Cubase 4 or studio 4, increase the quality of my recordings?

I have LE and am happy with it, all i do is record guitar cab with it. But is there anything to Cubase 4 or studio 4 that LE is lacking (recording quality wise?)


I think 4 is a bit better sounding, but if all you're recording is 1-2 tracks of distorted guitar you won't hear that much of a difference...and the improved workflow and routing etc won't help you either.

so I'd say as long as you're just recording a couple of guitartracks and aren't really mixing stick with LE...spend the money you're saving for a better preamp , a better cab or room-treatment....all those will give you a bigger improvement in soundquality than making the switch to 4 IMO
If I remember correctly the main thing that jumps out at me is the amount of inserts per channel that you can use. LE, again this is if I remember correctly, only has like 4 insert slots per track, whereas SX1/2/3/Cubase4/Studio4 has 8 per channel.

And doesn't LE have a limited track count?

When you say 8 tracks at a mean 8 mic'ed drums and guitar and other stuff.

You dont mean 8 tracks total for the whole project right?
I have LE and i have 8 insert slots. Got it with a FP10. Not sure how many tracks i can record at a time. Also it has a track count of 48 if i remember correctly.
Just tried recording and i am able to record all 8 inputs PLUS 2 s/pdif tracks...So i can record upto 10 tracks at once on Cubase LE.