Cubase Problem - urgent !!! (Cubase 6.07)


Jun 21, 2009
Hamburg / Germany
Hey guy,
i have a problem with Cubase (6.07). Yesterday i mixed a song and when i cam back the same evening cubase doesn't want to load any project.
It freezes with the "loading mixer" message.

What i did before i mixed the song was installing the new UAD Software but i deinstalled it, that can not be the problem.
Also I "reseted" Cubase, reinstalled it and disabled every plugin which is not from steinberg.

The bad thing is i have to work tomorrow and i don't know how to fix it :puke:
It's very urgent !

Maybe someone of you guys has the right idea?
how did you reset cubase?
there is a way reseting it COMPLETELY by deleting a file in a certain folder.

have you tried to isolate the project, put it on another harddrive and try to open it then!?
This happenned to me too...
Just search for small WAV files (5kb, 1kb...) and DELETE THEM!
For some reason corrupted wav files fucks up Cubase.