Cubase question: Separating stereo files

where can i find "in the box" exactly!?
i always used to export and chooses "split stereo file" but that's really annoying.

Importing, not exporting (though you can do that too when bouncing).
When importing in cubase, right after you chose the file, there is an import option box in which you can choose to copy the file in the project's folder, convert to the same sampling frequency/ bit depth as the project AND split the channels of stereo files.
If the dialog doesn't appear, it's because you checked the "don't ask again" option... You need to check or reset the preferences.
convert to the same sampling frequency/ bit depth as the project AND split the channels of stereo files.

thanks, but i knew that :)
i thought there is an option where i can split stereo files internally.
example: when i record a stereo file directly in cubase,
i need to export it and split there, or export it and split it when importing again.

i am searching for something like an
"rightclick on the event > split stereo file" option.
i guess i'm searching for nothing:(

Yep. I can't do that "internally" afaik.
You have to know what you need right from the start.
Well there's a workaround.
Duplicate track. Group edit if needed.
Pan original hard left, copy hard right.
Create 2 mono groups.
Route original track to group 1.
Route copy to group 2.