Cubase Routing Help (Experienced Users)


Aug 24, 2009
Hicktown New York.
Maybe I'm just stupid but I've read everything I can find on Cubases Control Room and Studio Sends but I still can't figure this out.

I set up a headphone mix using studio sends and the control room mixer and it is working fine.
However I can't figure out how to set up direct monitoring for that headphone mix.
So say I had a guitarist playing along with a drummer as he was tracking a part,
How do I have the input of that guitar being monitored through the drummers headphone mix?

In the Cubase manual it hints that you can direct monitor input through headphone mixes but it mentions that there maybe some latency issues.
Regardless, as far as I can tell it doesn't mention how to do this.

I feel like I'm definitely missing something completely obvious.
But the routing in cubase is really starting to make me wish I just stayed with reaper.
I'm sure that I'm just retarded but still.

P.S. My audio interface is a saffire pro 40 if that helps.
if you're talking about just monitoring your guitar in realtime (which is what I read it as), then there's a little loudspeaker icon next to the Read and Write buttons on the taskbar of each track :)