Noob question about monitoring with mic preamps and no mixer


Yam puddled, our kid.
Okay, so currently I'm using a Behringer DDX3216 as my means of getting audio in and out of my RME HDSP 9652. Functional? Yes. Great? No.

Once budget allows, I'll be looking to replace it with a couple of dedicated mic pre's (something along the lines of the Mackie Onyx 800R, Presonus Digimax FS, Focusrite Octopre LE). One thing that concerns me though, is how I go about monitoring with this setup. Currently, the ADAT outs from my RME card go back into the desk, and then to the main control room outs and headphone out. During tracking, I can also obviously monitor signals straight from the desk before they reach the computer at all.

Seeing as most of these preamps don't have specific headphone or control room outputs of their own, what do I do? Is direct monitoring through Cubase the only realistic option, or am I completely missing something that should be blindingly obvious? Doesn't direct monitoring eat up a fair amount of CPU power?

As for the D/A conversion, I'm not 100% sure, but I'm thinking about going with at least one Presonus Digimax for that purpose (as well as for the preamps), unless anyone can offer some better suggestions? This whole idea of ditching the desk is proving to be quite confusing.
Argh, god I'm so confused I don't even know what gear I'd need anymore. The HDSP 9652 only has ADAT in and out, and getting the signal into the card from the preamps shouldn't be too taxing, but what do I need to get it back out? And how can I monitor the signal from the preamps before it hits Cubase (and also latency)? I know there's a little mixer program that comes with the 9652 but I've never gotten my head around it, and I dunno if that would be the solution either. Besides, I'm not even sure where the hell I'd plug my monitors/headphones in so far. :cry:

Maybe I should get a Fireface and be done with it, although I don't have firewire so it seems a bit of a waste. I can't shake the feeling that it should be fairly redundant with the 9652 in place anyway, besides the monitoring capabilities.
I'm pretty sure it comes with the TotalMix software. If it does then all you have to do is select your main outputs in Totalmix and then turn the volume up on the specific channel that you want to monitor. Therefore, you're monitoring the inputs with zero latency. You can also get a $100 headphone amp and make independant headphone mixes with Totalmix and you should be set. I've never actually used to HDSP but I'm guessing it's similar to the FF800. Maybe check in the manual too.
Thanks very much, I'll see if I can look into that. Meanwhile, I'm still going to need something to physically plug my monitors and headphone amp into. I thought this could be where the Digimax FS might come in extra handy, unless I'm somewhat mistaken about its functionality. Is this a good option to go with alongside another 8 channel preamp of a different brand (an Onyx 800R for argument's sake), or will I encounter problems with monitoring the channels from there alongside those from the Digimax? I'm assuming that TotalMix can take all 16 inputs and send them back out through one stereo bus for monitoring (as well as Cubase recording the separate channels, obviously!) so it shouldn't be a problem should it?
Yeah, TotalMix is really nice, great signal routing capabilities. Glad you figured out the problem man! Signal flow can be a bitch to think about but sometimes it's easier if you just do it. Also, check the manual on TotalMix, it's not the best explanation of it but if you read it then take the basic idea and try it out on your own, you'll be able to figure everything out (if you haven't already).