Noob question about soundcard/mic pres


More cowbell!
Aug 24, 2011

I have a Digi 003 rack+ and a Presonus Firestudio which I don't use at the moment. My question is about the way to enhance the number of inputs. I don't think it's technically possible to pair the two soundcards but if I have 8 external preamps, can I add them to the 8 inputs of the Digi (or the Firestudio) to get 16 inputs total? Firestudio + Digimax can work but I would like to have different preamps. May sound stupid for some indeed but I don't know much about this kind of stuff :)
Yeah you just have to hook something up using the ADAT ports. If your Firestudio can run standalone then you can hook that up to the 003 to get 16 inputs at once.
Just use a toslink cable to link both of the units together. For example, connect one end of the cable in the Adat Out port on your Firestudio and the other end to Adat In to your 003. You probably have to set up something in your software but that's basically it
Ok thanks to you. I think I'll buy an RME Octamic II which have an AD card and very good pres & converters for the price.