New interface purchase... any ideas? $600-$1000


Mar 31, 2009
Looking to invest in a non pro-tools interface. Currently been using a presonus firestudio and it's definitely time for an upgrade.

Im looking for really good hardware. Latency has been a problem with the firestudio on a good computer. Can hardly push 96. And good preamps are a must of course...

oh I'm familiar with the rack mount firewire setup so I'd like to stick with that usless its for the best

Any suggestions are appreciated

Were probably gonna buy this tomrrow and I don't want to ask some guitarcenter noob about a selection
FireFace 800 x2, been using it for 2 years . everything work just great and sound pretty decent too!

I used Presonus Firestudio as well, in my friend's studio, help them record some demos.
tried to record a drums too, with 8 input simultaneously and the ASIO can go as low as 64 with no problems!
and his computer was a pretty old Intel Dual Core CPU, CPU pushed quite hard on 64 buffer tho but not a single drop out or clicks when record.
so perhaps you can try update your drivers or fw chipset driver? are you using T.I chipset firewire ? this makes world difference

also RME FF800 don't have 8 preamps like firestudio do, I don't know if you concern this but if you don't have outboard pres, you might need to buy at least 4 channel pres for 8 mics input simultaneously
I definitely will buy some nice tube pres's so I'm not so concerned with on board pre-amps. The FF800 looks like a good bet but I feel like I might be able to find something better for recording metal bands if I can get over my ignorance towards mixing boards. Rack units are nice don't get me wrong. I just want the best sound possible. Im ready for some material thats professional studio quality
I definitely will buy some nice tube pres's so I'm not so concerned with on board pre-amps. The FF800 looks like a good bet but I feel like I might be able to find something better for recording metal bands if I can get over my ignorance towards mixing boards. Rack units are nice don't get me wrong. I just want the best sound possible. Im ready for some material thats professional studio quality

I am sure there are some better interface with better sound quality out threre
but for the inputs you will need, they won't within $1000 range

Prism Sound Orpheus
Apogee Ensemble(particularly same grade as FF800
Apogee Symphony
PT HD + Prism Sound/ Benchmark converter

the list can be pretty long.

but just the budget will be way beyond the one you listed :headbang:
Im selling an almost new Echo Layla 3g. ;-) 8in/8out with low latency.

All seriousness I dont think your "quality" is going to improve in that price range. At best the high end converters aid in mixing/mastering. You can get professional studio quality out of many sub $500 units with good pres and know how. If you want to really step up save up and get a pro card and DA in the $2k+ range.