Cubase SX3 playing problem


New Metal Member
Sep 4, 2007
Hello there
I'm running cubase sx3 on an Asus f3s laptop with:

Core 2 duo t7300 2.0 MHZ
2047 MB RAM
windows vista

Everything was running fine but now something happened that I cant explain.. When I play something on cubase the song plays.. then it stops.. then it plays.. then it stops (always) and I hear some crackle sounds.
I noticed that CPU OVERLOAD sign was blinking on Cubase, so I checked in windows vista CPU manager and the CPU was running only at 55% of its capabilities ...
What can I do about it ?

Thanks a lot in advance
Also, disable your wireless networking/unplug your ethernet cable (depending on whether your wireless or wired, respectively) - I find it makes a huge difference on mine.
I had some similar problems to this at the beginning of the year with a new PC build that drove me nuts for a month.

Try all the above but also make sure you've got the "multi-processing" checkbox selected in Cubase device manager.

My problem was to do with IRQ assignments on an Asus PK5 motherboard messing everything up - but you can't re-assign IRQ in the BIOS for those boards. After weeks of tearing my hair out, I bought a Gigabyte board where IRQ's could be reassigned and I've been running smoothly ever since!

Good luck!
this is really strange. been running the same setup for a year, no problems! and now I egt cpu overload too! I dont get it!! normally when I had 100% cpu in cubase, you just couldnt play it anymore, but everything else was normal. now, I have 50% cpu and all of a sudden I get 100% and my mouse gets slower and after a while my laptop shuts down! I cant believe it!
It might be the warm weather. ?

+usually this is no problem: when finished with my mix, I activate all plugins in every channel, cpu is 100%, I dont care cus I just wanna bounce it, usually no problem, but now my pc shutsdown while bouncing!!??? wtf
I`m really getting pissed
I had a similar problem too...

my CPU all of a sudden started overheating going to 78 which slows down everything.

I bought a CPU cooler and problem solved.