Cubase: Tempo-synched Stereo Delays?


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
Another question for the Cubendo crew here. How does one go about setting up stereo delays (ie. one side slightly more delayed than other) that are also tempo synched? Ideally it would be done with the DoubleDelay plug-in, but when you tempo synch, you only get sub-beat timings to work with... what I'm after is delaying one side by like 9 ms to the other.

Aside from that, what are some techniques you guys use to do huge stereo delays on vocal passages? I've considered using detuners to shift the vocal up and down on both sides of the stereo image, then maybe triggering delays off them etc. Just looking for ways to make the vocals as large as possible.
Well, my cubase is not opened right now, but I presume that all the musicians have already recorded so the click is no more needed. So let's say the bpm of the song is 200bpm and the longest delay you can get is 1/1 but you want a 9/1 then you simply do 200/9. That's 22.2222222222222. So you want to put the bpm there. This can only work if it is the only synced effect. If it is not I would put the bpm to 22.22222 and export it and import it and do whatever with the bpm after.
At least on my doubledelay, if you click the orange button next to the sub-beat, you can enter in your own ms based timing for it.

The thing about that is.. how is it going to track with tempo changes?

I should've been more clear on that. I'd like the delay to be consistent across a tempo map with a lot of changes. Most of the music I deal with rarely ever sticks to one tempo throughout.
a bit long winded, but maybe set up to delay busses - one for L and one for R

on each bus have 2 delay plugs - one of them with the box ticket that syncs the delays value to the tempo of the song, and another delay plug thats offsetting it by however much you want. With the second plug you can choose how much you want to offset them with each other.
^ Well played, good sir. Crafty.

I might even try it with two instances of double-delay. Simply set both sides to the same interval (say 1/4 note) and then with the second instance offset the left and right sides by different ms!