Cubase tracking problem


Oct 24, 2007
This is strange to me...

Metronome is set at 180. Background display is bars and beats and I see the cursor moving over the correct line when i hear the clicks...

So...I hit record and the wav. is recorded...but it is placed to early.
For example, if i just play whole note palm mutes...the wav shows the mutes before the downbeat, and of course i can hear it upon playback too

So unless there is a wormhole in my room allowing me to travel in the the immediate future to lay down a track a 1/8 second early...WTF is up with this thing?:erk:

it still does it when i turn all the plugins off, so its not a CPU type issue
Looks like compensation to me. So the system tries to emulate the latency from your soundcard. Dunno where it exactly was again cuz i'm @ work right now so i cant really answer your question. Although you could use the clock in each track to put it right but aint the way to go in the end. Somewhere in the settings :p

So nope... you're not special @ all with all your super powers n stuff!!! I totally hope i get to be a super hero to someday though!
Ok...when i turn the latency UP on my interface...the problem goes away. However, then im stuck not being able to monitor the track because its late, obviously

actually the problem came back like 5 minutes later!

yesterday though, i went into every single settings menu and hit the default button

good as new HAHH
It's just the record latency adjust setting in the Device Setup menu... No need to default.
