Cubase woes


Sep 21, 2005
New York
Anybody know what would cause this behavior? I've been using version 3 for a while now and sometimes when I create a project that i've been working on for hours, the project just disappears....would that be a problem with my pc or the cubase program itself? to be more specific, the window just closes itself and the program disappears losing all the files I just spent hours creating. It dosen't happen often but when it does I get so pissed! any thoughts?
I've never heard of anything like that. Do you work for hours without saving? If so, and I'm not trying to be a dick here, you kinda bring this thing upon yourself. I always save every 10-15 minutes. If you are saving and they're disappearing I dunno what to tell you. Have you tried running on open search on your comp for cubase files?
yeah...unfortunately I do save them now...everytime I have a good session I don't want to lose. I will try turning on the autosave feature, thanks for the responses.
I've got the auto save on every few minutes. :lol: It'll crash when I work too quickly trying to open a few big VST's at a time or something otherwise it never does.
yeah...I have no problems with power or handling many vsti's at once...the screen/program doesn't freeze up(it has done this in the past with less powerful pc's) My new one has 2.5ghz of power. I could be tracking guitars in the middle of a session and the window just closes...disappears without warning. (I just checked the autosave feature and it's on now) thanks for the tip.