HELP with cubase output????


Contagious Destruction
Dec 31, 2006
I use 2 firepods with sx3 and i been using this a long time.Everything was working perfect then just recently i would turn on the program it shows everything playing, but i have no sound- nor does it pick up any inputs!!! All the outputs are fine no red lights on the firepods. What can i do to troubleshoot this?? Is it my computer or my program?? I have tried everything

I have been working with cubase sx3 for a long time and i just ran into a problem i cant figure out... I was gonna line up some bands to record but cant do it now case the program is not working properly.. :erk:
Make sure under Devices (Devices>Device Setup>VST Audio System) that the Firepod is selected as the device and the "ASIO Driver" reflects that. If the FP has any software of it's own make sure everything is set correctly in that as well, just in case. Besides those things I don't know what could cause that. If you check those things and it's still not working properly I would suggest posting the issue on the Steinberg Cubase forum, there should be someone there that can definitely help. Unless it is a Firepod issue, of course, then make sure your drivers are good and post on their forum.