Cult and Ritual Trauma Disorder

Hey ledmag? Did you get any of your information from the DSM-IV( The Diagnostic Statistical Manual for criteria of Psychological Disorders). I use to use the bok all the time. Did you know here is such thing as CAFFEINE WITHDRAWL DISORDER. Also, some types of Pre-Menstrual Syndromes are classified in the book. That means if a women kills someone during her "cycle", she could claim she had PMS and probably get a lesser sentence. It is a Fucked Up world we live in.
ZANEX>>>Hahha, no, i never thought a woman get off easy just cause PMS...thatst not even funny hhahahaha.

Actually, a friend of mine is always sending me these super cool links, and articles and what not. ANd sometimes i post them. This one interested me a lot.