Metallica went through the same shit with Master of Puppets, people accused them of selling out with that because it wasn't fast enough throughout the entire thing.
I think it sucks how they are on Vevo, but this song is by no means a mainstream song. Just listen to the way 'Cult' is growled. Nothing wrong with slower more melodic songs, isn't melody a set in stone part of music?
I find all of these Metallica comparisons being posted all over the place absolutely hilarious. Let's look at the facts...

A. Yes, Cult is a mid tempo track. Shock fucking horror - you'd be surprised to see how many thrash metal bands have mid tempo tracks. This doesn't make it mainstream.
B. That being said, although Cult is the perfect choice for a single it's far from the best representation of what the album has to offer. This makes most people's Black Album comparisons even more retarded, since they're judging an entire album by one song.
C. Five Serpent's Teeth is a thrash metal album. The Black Album was not.
D. I've absolutely no idea where these accusations of 'selling out' have come from, but they're based on nothing but ignorance. Selling out = sacrificing your integrity and beliefs in exchange for financial gain and/or further success. Evile are a bunch of fine lads with their feet firmly on the ground, and they don't need to sell out because they're successful already (albeit not quite as successful as they deserve to be). And even if they did 'sell out', it'd be a death sentence *no pun intended* since they'd be alienating a extraordinary amount of their fanbase.
E. Ben Carter can actually play the drums consistantly for more than one album at a time (let's face it, Ulrich's only impressive work was on "And Justice For All").
F. "They sound a lot like Metallica" -I think you'll find that 99% of thrash metal will resemble Metallica in one way or another. They're one of the single greatest influences on modern music, no matter how shitty their recent outputs may have been - finding bands that bear absolutely no similarities to Metallica whatsoever is just not going to happen.
G. This shouldn't ever have to be said, but anybody who compares Mike's passing to that of Cliff Burton (as many have) can go and royally fuck themselves. That's just not on.

Anything I've missed?

EDIT: I might also add that it saddens me that everyone feels this need to compulsively compare one thing to another. Usually Metallica. Listen, I like Metallica as much as the next guy (haha, well...) but I don't go around constantly going 'x and y sounds like z'.