yah, i figure i'll just listen to number of the beast. it'll be better sound and better music, seeing as it'd be by maiden.
i dl'd and burned that whole Master of Puppets DT thinga dn printed out the cover and back page and shit on nice glossy paper so it looks real. holy run-on sentence batman! anyway, i only listened to that master of puppets/dream theater thing like once. what a waste!
sound quality was bad on the MOP, this one is a bit better.It sound basically like maiden, minus the vocal god-like capabilites of Bruce and a mediocre dude thrown on
yah, bruce is god, thats the best i can describe him.

i actually listened to al lof Best of the Beast today, and bruce is so much better than blaze bailey. however, i think that one of maiden's best songs was one written and perfromed by maiden with blaze, that being Man on the Edge. it fucking rocks!

turns out that MAD TV is what is on my TV. Sad.......
oh man, i never thought of that.
damn ass. yah you're right. one loud is gonn be all korn and korn-type shit. and maybe if they get one of those egotistical Korn fucks on the show it'll be even worse. too bad TOOL isn't more friendly so then one of the TOOL guys could go on th show and play lots of TOOL videos when TOOL came to the ACC. meh. can't win em all. gott adeal wit hte shit-ass media, thats why we have to manipulate it(get it?)
that one halford song from the new albm wit hthe video is pretty good. i think thats what they are playing now.
best halford/priest song though is Painkiller. The Death cover is actually better than the Priest version. man, i love that song! "faster than a laserbullet".........whats better than a laser bullet? NOTHING!
yep, although I don't care much for tool anymore, if I want that music, I'll go to Opeth for a better version of it, tool is better than nu-metal.And especially better than korn

yes, death OWNED that song, some solos weren't played to perfection, but it still owned

and NOTHING is faster than a laser bullet
yes, to compare tool to korn os to compare havinga chick blow you and having a dog bite your dick off and vomit it up all over your bed and pillow. quite the comparison indeed........

OPeth fucking rocks, i can't bloody wait for deliverance, it's gonna be so damn good. shit. i should pre-order it.

pantera rocks. they are excellent live. lotsa energy delivered. great show. phil should do another pantera project, but he doens't like to talk about it and all so i don't think he'll do anything any time soon.

well i'm off now dude.
gonna watch some Saturday Night Live, and go to sleep. gotta wake up 8 am.

take it easy penguin