Cupping the vocal mic

also acceptable
That's the shit, glad to see most of us are on the same page, haha.

I recently got an EP to mix, where the vocals were tracked cupped. Christ. I don't think I've ever used such drastic EQ just to be able to get the words through.
Moonlapse said:
That's the shit, glad to see most of us are on the same page, haha.

I recently got an EP to mix, where the vocals were tracked cupped. Christ. I don't think I've ever used such drastic EQ just to be able to get the words through.

Same here. It was one of those "pig scream, inward growl, high screech" bands. If that makes any sense.
UUUUGGGH. I fucking despise the technique. I had a vocalist who absolutley insisted screaming this way in the studio. You can only beat your head into a brick wall so many times, so I said, "Fuck it. It's his money, it can be his mistake."

Well, when the record was done, who do you think looked at me, as it was somehow my fault that the vocals sounded like shit?

A few months down the road, he was more receptive to a backed-off stance. I told him to try it on stage, & sure enough, he came back to me saying he had much less problems with feedback. No shit.

Cupping is not a problem if done well. It is the double handed cup that becomes a pain. Cupping adds some intensity. I record almost all metal vocs this way with a sm58. Singing parts I will track with the traditional condensor with pop filter. It is as much of the sound of a band as the guitar tone is. This is their "gear". Lamb of God vocs done this way. Also Unearth, Pantera and a whole lot more. It is a style. I find it strange on a metal forum that this is an issue. Cupping is only an issue for me when like a top 40 cover band will cup in the middle of a show. The gain structure changes all of a sudden. A metal show it is not an issue. Starts cupped so the rig is ready for it.