Time for a new ~$400 vocal mic


Nov 30, 2011
Perth, Australia
Hey guys,
I'm long overdue for a new studio vocal mic, and I've got together some money now so I was wondering what you would all recommend?
Unfortunately, not a lot of stores around here sell microphones, so I don't have much opportunity to test any.

The mic would mainly be used for male rock cleans, particularly a loud high-pitched vocalist. I'd also use it for harsh vocals on the side, but that won't be its primary purpose.

I was thinking about getting an SM7B for a while there, but judging from audio clips, it lacks a lot of top end detail when compared to condenser mics in a similar price range.

I was thinking between these mics:
AKG C214 ($470)
Audio Technica AT4040 ($330)
Blue Baby Bottle ($390)

Which would you choose? Is there something else in a similar price bracket you would pick instead?

Also, it would be nice to have a mic that works nicely on drum overheads too, so I can get a second one later on. However, this isn't a necessity and getting a good vocal mic should take priority... if that makes sense?
I see a lot of people recommend the RE20. I can't vouch for it personally, but it has a reputation for being a good, neutral workhouse mic.

If you can find a shootout comparing it with the other mics you're considering, it might be worth looking into.
I have tried almost every common microphone in this range. I currently have and use AT4040 and SM7b. The beauty about the SM7b is its ability to take eq. If you have an awesome preamp with lots of good gain I would vote for SM7b if you have a mediocre preamp I think i'd opt for the AT4040. Both very different sounding microphones. This is exactly why i own both of them, they both have their place. Also remember that in a common mix (especially metal) having a "vocal mic" like SM7b will generally sound more "right" within the entire mix. Where as in listening tests you are generally listening to a solo'd vocal that can take up the entire spectrum. Im using the term "right" very loosely , there are no rules or right answers. Also a matter of preference but for some reason I really like dynamic microphones on vocals.
I love my SM7B, it just fits perfectly in the mix on vocals and it's a good workhorse dynamic.

That said, if you want something that can pull drum-overhead-duty, I'd probably grab one of the condensers.
I have tried almost every common microphone in this range. I currently have and use AT4040 and SM7b. The beauty about the SM7b is its ability to take eq. If you have an awesome preamp with lots of good gain I would vote for SM7b if you have a mediocre preamp I think i'd opt for the AT4040. Both very different sounding microphones. This is exactly why i own both of them, they both have their place. Also remember that in a common mix (especially metal) having a "vocal mic" like SM7b will generally sound more "right" within the entire mix. Where as in listening tests you are generally listening to a solo'd vocal that can take up the entire spectrum. Im using the term "right" very loosely , there are no rules or right answers. Also a matter of preference but for some reason I really like dynamic microphones on vocals.

My main preamp is part of a channel strip, but its pretty noisy so I don't imagine it'll be very good for an SM7b. The interface I'm using is an M-Audio Profire 2626; which I've heard has okayish pres... I know they're quiet from what I can tell.

I'm considering extending my budget a bit for the AT4047... I'm not sure though. I'm very indecisive!

edit: or even better, just found a Rode K2 used for $590
I know a lot of people love the sm7b, but it really depends on what kind of vocals. For clean singing and power metal type of vocals I could never get it to sound right. Had to eq the heck out of it and something in the mids never would sound right no matter how much I fought it. Always led to a dull sounding performance with honky mids. Also if your vocalists like to move much you will really be able to hear it on the 7b. Need to really stand still (which I can't do).

I found the Baby Bottle to be a little dark, 214 to be too much in the mids (although it takes eq well) and 4040 wasn't exciting or sexy but sounded very good on pretty much everything.

Again, this is on clean vocals. YMMV.
I own a few nice condensers right now - Most notable, the AT4060 - And I don't think I've used them more than once or twice since I got my most recent SM7b. That being said, I wouldn't bother with the gear you have currently. It needs a lot of gain and a nice pre to really shine, otherwise it'll sound pretty close to an SM58...

I'd go with a used 4047 or 4040. Maybe one of the new MJE mics. The Rode K2 is a cool mic, but $590 is way too much. I had one a while back and it cost me $400.
I own a few nice condensers right now - Most notable, the AT4060 - And I don't think I've used them more than once or twice since I got my most recent SM7b. That being said, I wouldn't bother with the gear you have currently. It needs a lot of gain and a nice pre to really shine, otherwise it'll sound pretty close to an SM58...

I'd go with a used 4047 or 4040. Maybe one of the new MJE mics. The Rode K2 is a cool mic, but $590 is way too much. I had one a while back and it cost me $400.

Yeah, I'm in Australia though, where everything is 23535464 times more expensive.
I think I'm gonna go with an AT4047 or an MJE Hulk 990... leaning towards the Hulk tbh, its a touch cheaper and sounds great from the audio clips.
Where abouts are you looking to get your mic from? I've done a quick search and the usual places I go to, to get my stuff from don't have any AT4047 (or 4040s etc for that matter).

I'd have to ship either mic over from the states - still reasonable prices and postage.
Yeah, I'm in Australia though, where everything is 23535464 times more expensive.
I think I'm gonna go with an AT4047 or an MJE Hulk 990... leaning towards the Hulk tbh, its a touch cheaper and sounds great from the audio clips.

Rode is an aussie company...i find it pretty hard to believe they don't sell to retailers in their own country!
id second the MJE hulk 990. he really does do great work in transforming these mics into something amazing. i think they come really close to the neumann's and even if they arent exact they are such a pleasent sounding mic u can utilize them for a lot.
Rode is an aussie company...i find it pretty hard to believe they don't sell to retailers in their own country!

They do sell it to retailers in their own country... they just sell it for a higher amount. Maybe something to do with the whole Aussie dollar vs US dollar thing. US dollar is much stronger right now.

IBmixin said:
id second the MJE hulk 990. he really does do great work in transforming these mics into something amazing. i think they come really close to the neumann's and even if they arent exact they are such a pleasent sounding mic u can utilize them for a lot.

Yeah. This is definitely the one I'm getting!
I have tried almost every common microphone in this range. I currently have and use AT4040 and SM7b. The beauty about the SM7b is its ability to take eq. If you have an awesome preamp with lots of good gain I would vote for SM7b if you have a mediocre preamp I think i'd opt for the AT4040. Both very different sounding microphones. This is exactly why i own both of them, they both have their place. Also remember that in a common mix (especially metal) having a "vocal mic" like SM7b will generally sound more "right" within the entire mix. Where as in listening tests you are generally listening to a solo'd vocal that can take up the entire spectrum. Im using the term "right" very loosely , there are no rules or right answers. Also a matter of preference but for some reason I really like dynamic microphones on vocals.

I also have both! The sm7 is more 'dry' and direct sounding. Great for metal and make vocals I find.
The AT4040 is great on cleans and less, straight aggressive vocals. It's also a great overhead, as I have 2 haha.

Can't go wrong with the sm7 as a workhorse thoigh