Vocal mic paired with Apogee Duet


Mar 31, 2009
I'll likely be getting a Duet soon, and I would like to get a vocal mic for rock/pop singing. I know that many suggest the SM7b and I am considering it, but I'd just like to know if a condenser would be a better choice because it won't really be used for screaming.

I currently have an AKG Perception 100 which sucks, an sm57, and a Sennheiser e945. I'll be honest I don't really like the sm57 on vocals, and the e945 is OK, but it is still lacking the detail of even the shitty sibilant Perception100. Is the sm7 similar to the sm57?

I am also looking into the AT4050. Any recommendations or is sm7 going to be ok with the Duet? Budget of ~$500