Why get an Apogee Duet?

Charlie E.

Jan 2, 2002
Miami, FL
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I'm getting a Macbook Pro sometime in January and I'm probably going to be using mostly Logic on it. I thought an Apogee Duet would be a great choice as I/O since its so small and portable and looks cool! haha
Anyways after looking around some more I stumbled upon the Motu Ultralight and realized its almost the same price yet has about 6 more inputs, Midi plugs, etc And it only looks slightly larger.
So what's the deal? Is there something I'm overlooking about the Duet that makes it worth the price?
Converter quality, and to a lesser extent preamp quality - plus I'd assume the Apogee unit is built absolutely impeccably
Sorry to drag this old one back up, but I'm currently using an Apogee Duet and the pre-amps are just... amazing!! Build quality is awesome, and integration with Logic and OSX is flawless. If you want hassle free plug-and-play recording it's the best.

What you lose in functionality (numbers of inputs,outputs), you gain in sound quality. If you are recording your music bit by bit, and not in a band situation, then it's perfect. So far I have not required multiple inputs.
If it is, I HIGHLY doubt it's noticeable (don't buy into this converter hype, it's all snake oil), and besides, it has so few inputs it's not a fair comparison