Current addictions

Well their suicide promotion doesn't work for me cos I love them so much I wanna listen to their music for many more years :p
The greatest thing is, they'll be coming back to Belgium and my black metal band will very likely be the support act.
Kvarforth is a pathetic, insufferable tool, but the music on the last albums are goddamn awesome. That said, i don't think i will ever spend money on a shining cd, or watch them perform live.

Jesus fucking christ :rolleyes: How's that for prejudice... Sure he puts up a drama show, but so does Dani Filth (in a completely different way) but it doesn't mean I'd automatically avoid any of them.
Shining have incredible live shows though, whereas COF haven't, but that's a completely different topic :p
Jesus fucking christ :rolleyes: How's that for prejudice... Sure he puts up a drama show, but so does Dani Filth (in a completely different way) but it doesn't mean I'd automatically avoid any of them.
Shining have incredible live shows though, whereas COF haven't, but that's a completely different topic :p

Well, prejudice? you are kidding me right? i mean, the guy openly supports pedophilia(i can give you a link with an interview if you want), tells the fans to shoot heroin and smoke crack, and to kill themselves but doesn't kill himself, fucking hypocrite, he is also well known for ripping off people, including the fans, good lord, he even managed to call black metal fans idiots and said that they didn't know ''what real pain means'' on the lV: eerie cold laughable. What a goddamn 10 years old.
The music is pretty good, but he is a beyond flawed person, and a fucking retard too, so the judgement that i'm making about his character is completely accurate, and will never support such a moron. Never cared about how musicians behave, or how they act as human beings, but that guy crosses the, again, there is no prejudice, he is an idiot, it is a fact.
Well their suicide promotion doesn't work for me cos I love them so much I wanna listen to their music for many more years :p
The greatest thing is, they'll be coming back to Belgium and my black metal band will very likely be the support act.
But still, Shining all about negative emotions (hatred, depravity, depression, isolation, etc.). A joyful person doesn't listen to Shining, period. It's just not psychologically healthy to be addicted to that kind of stuff. Once you recognize that, why would you want to stick with it?
On the level where the music touches my very soul :tickled:
The subjects don't even interest me that much, besides, the biggest part is in Norwegian which I don't understand. It's the general atmosphere, vibe, everything...
Kvarforth's pose doesn't mean shit to me. Last time they came here we went to the Chinese restaurant here (yeah they played in my town), and sure they're... freaks but they're wearing a mask when "being Shining" obviously. People should realise...