Current addictions


Nevermore - Dead Heart in a Dead World
Ulver - Svidd Neger
Nahemah - whatever the fuck album it is
uneXpect - In a Flesh Aquarium
Pain of Salvation - BE
Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors
Neurosis - Lost (this song rules)
Actually, really been listening to Neurosis in general a ton recently.
Katatonia - Sweet Nurse
Katatonia - Tonights Music
Katatonia - Burn the Remembrance
Katatonia - Deadhouse
The 69 Eyes - Lost Boys
The 69 Eyes - Gothic Girl
katatonia-wait outside

has become my fav viva recording session track me thinks
Falkenbach - Heathen Foray
Dawn of Solace - Wings of Darkness Attached...
Blind Guardian - Otherland
Swallow the Sun - The Justice of Suffering
Novembre - Child of the Twilight
Legendary Pink Dots - New Tomorrow
Dornenreich - Der Hexe Flammend Blick
I've actually known John since college. He's not a poser, he's pretty into old school death metal. Anyways, my current addictions are the Thom Yorke song, Black Swan, that plays at the end credits of A Scanner Darkly. I listen to that on iTunes on repeat when I'm on the internet. Other than that - Katatonia - July, In The White, Blackfield - 1,000 People, Miss U, Hello, Rotting Christ - the first 2 songs off the new album, and Dethklok - Metalocalypse.

Dawn - Slaughtersun, Behemoth - Sventevith, Impaled Nazarene - Nihil, Averse Sefira - Tetragrammatical Astygmata.

On a Black Metal kick :)
I've actually known John since college. He's not a poser, he's pretty into old school death metal.


Well, I kinda take it back...I used to talk to him and I know he listens to Metal. But just his image now and what he wants to be is just rediculous. It's more of selling out than being a poser. I just know he wants more pussy and this is getting him that.
Skinny Puppy - pretty much everything. Their new album Mythmaker got me all excited so I've been listening to their discography nonstop for about a month.