Current beer/shot count

I had 2 cups of tea last night and went to bed.


That sounds a lot like my night Karen, but it was one really tasty cup of green tea with a little honey and a piece of toast and peanut butter. My drink count was 0, is 0 and will be 0 until well into October. But I already have it planned... I will have a nice glass of merlot with some good food.
^ good for you jen!
Some people say that "a" glass of wine with dinner during your second pregnancy period is OK and will not hurt the baby,
but the way I see it.... If I'll ever be pregnant: I quit alcohol for the whole period of the pregnancy... 9 months with no alcohol
is NOTHING compared to knowing you're doing everything you can to have a healthy child. :)
Exactly. It's just not that important to me :), having a glass of wine or what not. Quite a few people have said "OH during the third trimester it's okay!" but... even if it is, no thanks. Although it is true that your fetus and then baby are most vulnerable in the very beginning, obviously when all of the major developments are happening.

I am also slightly paranoid about even having a glass of wine while breastfeeding, haha because it's the same thing... so it might be quite a while until I enjoy that glass of red wine, but until then I will... imagine the dry goodness... mmmm.
^ As much as I love wine (and god knows I do) I think you're doing the right thing... not having wine for a year is NOT a big deal... especially when your baby's health or possible risks are involved...
with that being said: I think it's so funny how our moms DRANK with us in their bellies and we came out ok :lol:
Mom mom had wine with me in her belly :goggly:

Derek: haha, seriously: me too. It's a very European thing... I remember I flew with my parents a lot as a little girl and my mom would dip my pacifier in wine so I would sleep on the plane :lol: