Cute vs. Hot


May 31, 2004
Atlanta 'burbs
Which do you prefer?

In general the usage of "cute" seems to be maybe more of a subdued form of attraction. Perhaps a little more plain looking, more intelligent (yet naive), reserved, or maintaining a certain degree of more childish features.

In general the usage of "hot" seems to be more of a direct form of attraction. Perhaps a more aggressive look, more sexualized, athletic, more competent (yet less intelligent) and overall exhibiting strength/fertility.

As an example I would define them by contrasting Zooey Deschanel to Megan Fox.

How would you define the differences between the two terms, and which do you prefer?
Pic to help decide:



I choose cute, because girls aren't only for the bed.
I prefer more cute then hot. Cute chicks tend to be more friendly and loving, then hot chicks IMO, who just mostly fuck every guy they see 90% of the time.
Pic to help decide:



I choose cute, because girls aren't only for the bed.

Ironically, neither girl is particularly attractive. Megan Fox is too scrawny to be hot; IMO, hotness requires some "meat". She sure does have the "skank" look down to an art, though. :rolleyes:

I agree with that last statement, though. I could score a harem of sexy chicks if I wanted to, but a girl who's actually fun to hang out with is hard to come by.

If I were forced to choose between the two, I'd pick cute.

I'm glad that my girlfriend is both cute and hot. :)
I would rather have a cute looking guy that was intelligent , and had a good head on his shoulders than some hot guy who could not carry on a civilized conversation with me . Now , that's not to say all hot guys are like that , it's just that the ones I have encountered have been like that, or too full of themselves . Everybody needs love though
There are cute and hot looks but I find myself thinking that alot has to do with the personality whether a person is cute or hot. If a womans personality is outgoing and uses the looks in classic man eater way it oesnt mater is the looks in themselves are cute, she will come across as hot because of her personality. And if a woman has the "hot looks" but is abit shy she will come across as the cute kind of girl.

Based on this reasoning I definately prefer the cute woman. The hot ones tend to give an impression that they arent to smart. I think it might be a case of them getting alot because of the way they look and they know it so they dont ave to make an effort about anything else. This is at least true for quite a few of hot women I know or know of.
I would prefer having a smart guy next to me, a guy thats not full of him self and that I can actually have a intelligent conversation with.
If I guy is intelligent and has well manners i find him extremely hot.
So imo I believe its the personality that makes the other one 'cute' or 'hot' :)