Cyanide Post-hardcore mix, full retake, could use some hard criticism.

i like what you tried to on the intro, but i dont think that the instrumentals come in heavy enough. try adding like a bass drop, but dont make it so noticible it sounds like youre following the fad of adding ridiculous bass drops to anything closely resembling a breakdown, but one subtle enough to help it come in..
id also search for a meaty-er kick, IMO i like kicks that dont click as much, but instead back up the guitar chugs and adding body to them rather than shining through the mix, but that is subject to taste :)
Thanks for the reply!

That bass drum was really weak so I changed it now.
Added a little bass drop in the beginning :).

So here is a new version with a longer intro and some gang vocals. Cyanide ja topelt V.mp3

I also changed the guitar sound a little. Yay or nay?

I am not happy with my clean vocals at all, they sound too tinny and weak.
Any ideas to make it I don't know, more manly?

All criticism welcome!