
Record Label(s)/Vocalist
Sep 12, 2007
We are offering TWO Cyber Monday package deals.

We are also offering up priority mail shipping for both package deals and due to expected volume we cannot do it any other way. You will get the order faster in the end, so it's a good thing.

If you have a few of these titles already and are thinking why buy them again?! Here is an idea...why not gift your extra copies to your friends and share the joy of great music.

PACKAGE #1 - $25
CYCLONE TEMPLE - My Friend Lonely
IRONCHRIST - Getting The Most Out Of Your Extinction
SOLITUDE - Poisoned Population
DOMINANCE - Resurrected
ELYSIUM - Inspired Hatred
BLATANT DISARRAY - Everyone Dies Alone

PACKAGE #2 - $20
LINE OF FIRE - Momentum
LINE OF FIRE - Line Of Fire
COLOSSUS - Drunk On Blood
WIDOW - Midnight Strikes...Twice!
DIMAGE - It Takes Time
ORACLE - Desolate Kings

Shipping Rates
+ $8 Shipping within the USA
+ $15 Shipping to Canada/Mexico
+ $20 Shipping outside the USA, Canada or Mexico

**If you want to order both package deals, please email us first so we can calculate a shipping rate for you.
That's a great deal. i know it says "outside the USA" but would shipping to Canada be $20 too? It's obviously cheaper than sending to Indonesia:muahaha:

Actually, let me check the priority mail rates for Canada. Thanks, that slipped my mind last night apparently.

EDIT: UPDATED, $15 priority mail to Canucksville (or as I like to call it Strange Brew Headquarters) ;)
I have a suggestion, I hope you don't mind. seeing as how many of us buy Divebomb/Tribunal releases on a pretty regular basis anyways, and already own some of the titles listed in the package deals, how about posting a list of certain qualifying releases, and letting us pick and choose which ones we want to add to the package deal? Just an idea :)
If I offer package deals it's my choice by a criteria I have laid out business wise. If I offer a sale on everything it's just a % off. :) I was actually busy this year visiting a family member in the hospital and had no time to really plan.
If I offer package deals it's my choice by a criteria I have laid out business wise. If I offer a sale on everything it's just a % off. :) I was actually busy this year visiting a family member in the hospital and had no time to really plan.

I thought they were both great package deals, and actually almost went for the one, but i had already made an order with you for something else. That sale just sparked an idea is all.