Cyber-Satan Gear \m/


Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Cyber Satan Gear

In an attempt to try and find a way to cover UM's costs (and perhaps even allow us to expand - shock!), we have come up with a t-shirt design for all you fashionable rockers ;)

Cyber Satan Gear, as shown (and available from) here, is what we came up with. Initial reactions have been positive, so we thought we would make them public.

The gear is only available on white for now, and on various styles of shirts (and a cap!).

Please note, though, that Cafe Press's shipping rates outside of the USA are somewhat on the expensive side, so if you're outside the USA and are keen to have one, you can either go ahead and buy, or drop me a line, as we're hoping to be printing some of our own as well :)

Feedback is appreciated!