Cynic - Traced in Air


No Carrot For Hopefuls
Sep 9, 2008
Bangalore, India
It's Out!!!!!! :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:


1. Nunc Fluens
2. The Space For This
3. Evolutionary Sleeper
4. Integral Birth
5. The Unknown Guest
6. Adam's Murmur
7. King of those Who Know
8. Nunc Stans


Focus was excellent, I just hope they do something a bit different this time. You know, one of the reasons that made me really appreciate Focus was the originality; even now I have heard nothing that sounds like that album. :erk:
Why is it so difficult to put threads that relate to Opeth in the Opeth section and the threads that don't relate to Opeth in the Non Opeth section? When I first started seeing it happen when I started posting here I thought it wouldn't happen often, but it's like a few times a week. And no it hasn't leaked.
Why is it so difficult to put threads that relate to Opeth in the Opeth section and the threads that don't relate to Opeth in the Non Opeth section? When I first started seeing it happen when I started posting here I thought it wouldn't happen often, but it's like a few times a week. And no it hasn't leaked.

Sorry mate, my bad
ive heard a little bit on youtube, although not much. i really hope it sounds cynic, rather than aeon spoke because that collaboration fuckin sucks

it seems paul is big on the meditation and the buddhism and all that shit
Leaked/not-leaked aside, they have officially released enough of the album on YouTube to warrant discussion.
So far I've only been able to listen on the laptop which is like judging a Magic Eye picture on an Etch-a-Sketch :p So far it's definitely Cynic though :D
I'm lovin it so far, it seems like 1994 all over again. Their musical ideas have really progressed, yet there's still alot of similar hooks that were used on "Focus". The only bummer for me was that I was hoping for atleast 1 full track with Aruna Abrams from the "Portal" erra. Now there's a female vocalist on the intro to "King of those who know" it may be Aruna, but I was hoping for a little more. I'm on day 5 with the album and it's still getting better, to bad we had to wait 15 years for it.
I'm waiting on the album to grow on me. the processed vocal production gives me an 'itchy' feeling although i love the way the vocals sound. Unique. The album in itself is a very short album, was expecting longer songs :loco: